Greetings to all my Auxiliary friends!

Our 2023/2024 year is completed as far as reporting. But that doesn’t mean that we don’t need to continue doing what we do best – helping others! Keep track of what you do and as soon as State Convention is over, go back to your calendars and REPORT, REPORT, REPORT what you have done since March 31st. I have challenged myself this next year that I will sit down the end of every month and send in the reports for the past month. I hope you all will con sider doing that also. I’m hoping that all of our hard work and reporting assures that President Phil makes it to the Circle of Excellence at National Convention.

I am impressed with all of the different ideas that the Auxiliaries came up with to work with the different organizations in our communities! This program has always been around for a long time, National has just changed the name and added a few requirements to the program in the past couple years. Our organization has always been active in our communities, we just need to remember to report it differently.

Thank you for all that you do for our Veterans and our communities.

Stay safe and I look forward to seeing you all at State Convention and rewarding our Auxiliaries for the work they have done.


Queenie Barz
Auxiliary Outreach Chairman